How Job Hunting Is like Dating?


I've been thinking a lot about job hunting lately: Why can't I keep most of my jobs for more than two or three years? What causes me to lose interest in a job I was once passionate about? Why is it increasingly difficult to find a job without an overwhelming list of requirements? Am I becoming pickier, or am I simply not cut out for this "job dating" game?

It’s surprising to see how many similarities that job hunting and dating share. Both involve putting your best self forward, dealing with rejection, and searching for the right fit. 

A job interview is like a first date. You dress to impress, try to be on your best behavior, and hope for that spark of connection; Then, sometimes you don't hear back after submitting an application or going on a date, leaving you wondering what went wrong. 

When you finally receive the good news—an offer letter—it's like entering a new relationship. Accepting a job offer Both require dedication, effort, and the hope that it will be a lasting relationship.

As scary, daunting and complicated as it sounds, in the end, it’s all about finding the right match—be it a job or a partner—takes time and patience.

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