First Road Trip with baby (part I)

Baby Ollie just turned 4 month old a few days ago, and I already can't wait to take him to one of my favorite city in Texas, Austin. From Houston to Austin, it is about 3 hour drive. So my plan is to stop at Brenham as a mid point, grab a quick lunch and explore the town with Ollie.
It is my first time exploring Brenham. Ollie is just as curious as me looking at everything on the street. We drove on a Sunday, so most of the stores and boutiques were not open. I took some pictures of the stores just to remind me next time I have to come back during weekdays to check them out!

The place that we had lunch at is a local cafe called "It must be heaven". Very popular spot for Sunday brunch. The line was very long. We did wait for a bit to get some sandwiches and iced coffee. 

This cafe has an interesting combination of brunch and bar service. One side has tables for people to sit and enjoy their lunch and the other side has bar stools and ice-cream for dessert. I like having some ice-cream after meal for sure!

Here's a wall art in the middle of the town, and a cute gazebo right in front of the city court. Great place to take some pictures for family or newlyweds. 

There was one boutique store open that day, so we went in and Oliver had a lot of fun looking at cute stuffs in the store. 

One thing that we missed on this stop was visiting Blue Bell factory. It turned out they are not open for weekends :( But besides that, we had a great lunch stop and some quality time for baby to stretch and play. He is tired and ready to get back on road again :)

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