A Peaceful Spot to Hide Away

Yesterday was a nice day in the Woodlands, especially after the rain, when it was much cooler. Strolling around the town and found this spot next to a pond. Calm and peaceful mood much needed 💆🏻

Gazing at the pond, feeling morning breeze, I like wandering around this little town on Sunday morning, when everyone is still sleeping. Accompanied by my love and my little one in the stroller, everything in the world seems to slow down and less hectic. Being a new mom is a challenging task for me. Every step is new and different. Scouting quiet place like this will be added on my Sunday morning routine. What's your peaceful spot to hide away in the summer?
This little guy has been really good every time I take him outside ✌🏼. He enjoys the 🌞, curious about everything he 👀 and no trouble falling asleep. Here's him getting drowsy again under the heat 😴 I can't wait for him to travel with me soon, and take on "almost nomadic" journey as a happy family!

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